In short, it is a world we know a little, but that it is like a magnet for history lovers: a time of war and great deeds, where few (almost none) kings died in his bed. Or about West, other island, as complex as Britain, Ireland in which many people were fighting for a piece land, their clans, livestock and supremacy. Ancient people tried to resist, while they saw how their kingdoms are defeated and conquest by those “barbarians”, sorrowfully saw how his belowed world slowly disappeared off the face of the earth.Ĭouldn't forget to talk about the Picts also, who have always inspire great interest. A dark age with deep blend of cultures.Ħth and 7th centuries were a time when invaders (Saxons, Angles and Jutes) tried hard their destiny in a new world with the steel of their swords, shields and spears. Now, you should be fighting your very first combat in Brytenwalda, so enjoy it and good luck!ĭark Ages in British Isles are fascinating, a dismal warlike time, in which people fight for survive.

in three minutes you can crush dozens of bandits, but we must wait a while.

The game has not frozen (yet), it may take 1 and 3 real life minutes to load, just be patient. Now you'll see a screen that reads "Wait three minutes". Step 3.- Now the game is starting, you should see a loading bar at the bottom, and after that, the Play Tutorial, Start New Game, etc. If you already installed Brytenwalda and want to make a clean install, delete the old folder, DO NOT OVERWRITE IT. If you can't find the "Modules" folder use the Search function. Steam users should extract it in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\mountblade warband\Modules". Import, writte your install rute: "mountblade warband\Modules". Step 1.- Download the latest version (currently v1.391) >Game Languages: english, spanish, chinesse and french Warband is a videogame of Talesword Entertainment: If you have Crash and RUNTIME ERRORs Look here: Install: delete 1.39 Brytenwalda folder, install clean 1.391īrytenwalda installation and troubleshooting (Look if you have problems for install): Game Languages: english, spanish, chinesse and french. The best is begin new game or have your game in 1.39

Important note: Old Savegames 1.39 no work well. Open folder and copy txt files, resoruce and textures folderĤ. You dont forget this Fix texture patch or you had some texture issues:ģ. Or other of the 2 servers that you can see in Brytenwalda webpage If you have corrupt file problem or download run too slow.